
Generic Action

Chalk Grassland
Acid Grassland
Tidal Thames
Private Gardens
Parks & Squares
Water Vole
Grey Heron
Peregrine Falcon
Sand Martin
Black Redstart
House Sparrow
Stag Beetle
Tower Mustard
Black Poplar

Private Gardens
House Martin
Humble Bumble
Exotic Flora
Communication -
Planning Guides

"The individuals which are so common in South London, even in thickly populated neighbourhoods like Battersea and Chelsea and Vauxhall, must, I think, be principally the pipistrelle·We see [them] from the spring months until the early winter, both in our open spaces and in the busy street" (Johnson, 1930)
Download this Action Plan in full, including the Bat Audit

1.    Aims

To reverse the current population declines in London's bats.
To change Londoners' misconceptions about bats and secure their status as a culturally valued species.

2.    Introduction

Bats are highly adapted nocturnal mammals · the only mammals to have evolved powered flight. Often called flying mice, they are in fact more closely related to humans than to rodents, and form a special group of their own: the Chiroptera, meaning 'hand-wing'. Bats are generally only seen briefly at dusk and their seemingly furtive nocturnal habits have, over generations, resulted in popular misconceptions and even misplaced fear of them. Modern horror stories, films and the media quoting fiction as fact have not helped to improve this tainted public image.

Britain's sixteen species of bat only eat insects. Serving as natural insecticides, they consume huge numbers and variety of prey · a single pipistrelle can eat 3000 midges in a night. With the loss of natural roost sites such as trees, bats have adapted to living in buildings and many Londoners are surprised to discover unexpected lodgers for a few weeks during the summer when females need somewhere warm to raise their young. Their reliance on buildings for roosting greatly focuses conservation efforts on people's tolerance and goodwill. Bats are an excellent indicator of the quality of our environment, as their complex ecological requirements leave them highly sensitive to environmental changes. Their serious decline should be a wake-up call to us all.

All of London's bat species are dealt with collectively in this plan because:

Those currently concerned with the conservation of bats deal with all species;
All bat species and their roosts are equally protected by law;
The conservation problems faced by all bats are believed to be generally similar, so measures proposed here are likely to be of benefit to a number of species.

3.    Current Status

At least eight species are known to be breeding in Greater London (see Species Audit in the Annex). The two pipistrelles are by far the most common and still occur in all London Boroughs. Noctule and Daubenton's bats are regularly recorded and widespread.

Little is known about the current status of most species nationally, although the available evidence suggests an overall decline in populations. The pipistrelle (both species) is thought to have declined by an estimated 70% between 1978 and 1993 (Harris 1995).

A recent repeat survey in London found that there has been a statistically significant decline in the bat population of Greater London since the mid-1980s, particularly for noctules, Leisler's bats and serotines (Jones, et al. 2000 in prep). Further information on the status of London's bats can be found in the Annex.

4.    Specific Factors Affecting the Species

4.1    Loss of maternity roost sites in buildings or trees

Disturbance, damage or destruction to roosts can occur as a result of a lack of public awareness and understanding of bats, and ignorance of the legislation protecting bats, which often leads to the legal consultation process being ignored.

4.2    Loss of and disturbance to other roost sites

Hibernation and other seasonal roost sites can be disturbed or damaged for the same reasons as above. These sites include buildings, trees, bridges and underground roosts.

4.3    Loss of feeding habitats

Changes in land use can result in the loss of insect-rich feeding habitats such as wetlands, woodlands and grasslands.

4.4    Disturbance to commuting routes

Flight paths to and from feeding areas and roosts may be disturbed through the loss of flight line features such as green corridors, or through introduction of new features such as artificial lighting.

5    Current Action

5.1   Legal status

All species of bat are protected in the UK on Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981, as amended) and on Schedule 2 of the Conservation (Natural Habitats &c.) Regulations (1994). The latter further implements European legislation protecting bats. Bats are also protected by the Wild Mammals (protection) Act,1996.

The UK is a signatory to the Agreement on the Conservation of Bats in Europe which came into force in 1994, set up through the Bonn Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (1979). While this is not strictly a legal instrument, as a signatory the UK is obliged to abide by such agreements.

5.2    Mechanisms targeting the species

These current actions are ongoing. They need to be supported and continued in addition to the new action listed under Section 7.

5.2.1 Bat wardens

The London Bat Group co-ordinates a network of licensed bat wardens, working in liaison with English Nature to safeguard bat roosts, particularly in houses.

5.2.2 Awareness-raising

The place of bats in London life is promoted regionally, locally and London-wide by organisations such as the London Bat Group, London Wildlife Trust and Local Authorities through a leaflets and other publications, as well as a programme of guided walks, illustrated talks, training and articles.

5.2.3 Survey and Research

London Bat Group volunteers participate in national and local surveys and research, including the Bat Conservation Trust's National Bat Monitoring Programme.

6.    Objectives, Actions and Targets

Most of these actions are specific to this species. However, there are other, broader actions that apply generically to a number of habitats and species. These are located in a separate 'Generic Action' section which should be read in conjunction with this document. There are generic actions for Site Management, Habitat Protection, Species Protection, Ecological Monitoring, Biological Records, Communications and Funding.

Please note that the partners identified in the tables are those that have been involved in the process of forming the plan. It is not an exclusive list and new partners are both welcomed and needed. The leads identified are responsible for co-ordinating the actions · but are not necessarily implementers.

Objective 1 To raise awareness among key audiences, specifically planners, land managers and tree contractors.

Target: Disseminate best practice advice by 2001.



Target Date


Other Partners

Ensure that suitable sites for bats are in optimal condition to receive colonists by encouraging land managers and owners to follow good practice



LA, GLA, FC, BTCV, Groundwork

Produce and promote a Bat Advice Note for all local authority planners




Promote best practice to all major tree contractors/wardens through written letters and the existing Bats In Trees leaflet




Objective 3 To increase knowledge of bat distribution and population change.

Target: Monitoring programme initiated by 2001; collation of existing data completed by 2003.



Target Date


Other Partners

Establish a long-term pipistrelle monitoring programme




Collate current and historical records for all bats in London




Objective 2 To protect and create roost sites and suitable feeding habitat.

Target : Establish 40 new roosting opportunities by 2006



Target Date


Other Partners

Identify potential sites for roost creation opportunities



Land owners and managers

Create new roost opportunities on 40 identified sites



LA, BTCV, Groundwork, TW, Railtrack, RP

Objective 4 To increase public awareness of and involvement in bat conservation.

Target: 20 licensed bat workers by 2005; 2 Hibernation Licence holders by 2002; Training Licence Holder by 2005.



Target Date


Other Partners

Maintain co-ordinated programme of guided walks, illustrated talks and popular written articles



BCT, LWT, WWT, LA, RP, CoL. General Media

Run training courses in bat detection for potential leaders of bat walks




Recruit a London-specific bat licence trainer




Set up a programme of training for bat box inspection licences




Objective 5 To make a significant contribution to urban bat conservation through new ecological research.

Target: One research topic completed and disseminated by 2008.



Target Date


Other Partners

Complete a desk-top study of current research on artificial light and mammal ecology




Commission and complete new research into links between urban bat ecology and artificial light





Relevant Action Plans

London Plans

Woodland; The Tidal Thames; Canals; Private Gardens; Wasteland; Open Landscapes with Ancient/Old trees; Grassland, Meadows and Pasture; Grazing Marsh and Floodplain Grassland; Marshland; Reedbed; Ponds, Lakes and Reservoirs; Churchyards and Cemeteries; Railway Linesides; Farmland; Parks, Amenity Grasslands and City Squares; Hedgerows

National Plans

Pipistrelle bat


Key References

Harris, S., Morris, P., Wray, S. & Yalden, D. (1995). A Review of British Mammals: population estimates and conservation status of British mammals other than cetaceans. JNNC, Peterborough.

Johnson, Walter. FGS. 1930. Animal Life in London. The Sheldon Press, London.

Jones, K. Guest, P. Tovey, J. In preparation. The status of London's bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera) 15 years on.

JNCC (1999). Bat Worker's Manual - 2nd Edition.

Mickleburgh, Simon (1987). Distribution and status of bats in the London area: The London Naturalist, no.66. LNHS


BCT - Bat Conservation Trust
CoL · Corporation of London
EN - English Nature
FC · Forestry Commission
GLA - Greater London Authority
LA · Local Authorities

LBG - London Bat Group
LNHS · London Natural History Society
LWT - London Wildlife Trust
WWT - Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust
RP - Royal Parks
TW · Thames Water
WLOs - Wildlife Liaison Officers


The Lead for this species is the London Bat Group. Please note that although the London Bat Group will co-ordinate these actions on a London-wide scale with the support of the Partnership, it unfortunately cannot currently resource action at a Borough or Local Level.

Mike Waite
London Bat Group

Tel 020 7983 4320
[email protected]

pipistrelle © John Kaczanow


for the London Bat Audit, download the full PDF
